Illustration Toolkit - Embryology

Illustration Toolkit Embryology   Illustration Toolkit -

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Ready to Use and Fully Editable Embryology Illustrations for Presentations and Publications

* All illustrations are vector graphics
* Scale to any size without loss of resolution
* Freely change colors, lines, and shapes
* Placed in PowerPoint for convenience
* Windows & Mac compatible
* View & Download Sample Illustrations

Set: 154 Editable Illustrations
Format: PowerPoint (PPT)



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What our customers say:
The Motifolio images are incredibly versatile and flexible, allowing faculty to create unique images in support of both research and pedagogy...... Dr. Flint, Jr.   > more

Content Overview:
154 illustrations include a variety of pre-designed and fully editable Embryology drawings.

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Stages of pre-embryonic development during the first weekEarly stages of implantation - 5 days section of blastocyst
Early stages of implantation - 6 days contact with uterine wallImplantation of blastocyst - 8 days amniotic cavity appears
Implanted blastocyst - At 12 days cavities develop which coalesce to from the extra-embryonic coelomFormation of chorionic cavity - At 13 days the germ layers begin to form
Dorsal view of a 15-day embryonic discDorsal view of the embryonic disc showing the formation of the notochordDiagrams of transverse sections of the embryo showing the origin and migration of neural crest cells - 19 days
Diagrams of transverse sections of the embryo showing the origin and migration of neural crest cells - 21 days
Subdivisions of the somite - 4 weeksThe origin of segmental musculature from dermomyotome - 7 weeks
Formation of the lateral body folds - 21 daysThe process of longitudinal folding by day 25 - sagittal section
Development of the deciduae at 12 weeksFormation of fetal membranes at implantation sites - 10 daysFormation of fetal membranes at implantation sites - 15 days
Function of the chorionic villi - day 16Blood vessels develop within the chorionic mesoderm forming the tertiary villi - 21 days
Fetus at the end of the 3rd month showing the fused amnion and chorion laeveThe full-term placenta showing the maternal and fetal portions
The full-term placenta showing the maternal and fetal portionsDizygotic twins
Monozygotic twinning resulting from the splitting of inner cell massMonozygotic twinning resulting from the splitting of embryonic discSagittal section showing the position of the septum transversum rostral to the pericardial cavity - 3 week embryo
The ventrolateral view of intra-embryonic coelom in a 4-week embryoThe ventrolateral view of the embryo - 3 weeks
Formation of the diaphragm - 7 weeksFormation of the diaphragm - a newborn
A left postero-lateral defect in the diaphragm - a newbornDifferentiating somites - 4 weeks embryoFormation of vertebral column from sclerotomes - 4 weeks embryo
Development of the sternum and ribsThe fetal skull
Developing limb skeleton - lower arm 8 weeksThe origin of the muscular system from myotomes - 4 weeks
The origin of the muscular system from myotomes - 7 weeks
Lung buds growing into the pericardioperitoneal canals  - 6 weeks embryo
Histogenesis of the lungs and formation of the blood-air barrierTypes of the tracheo-oesophageal fistulaFormation of extra-embryonic vessels - 18 days
Two endocardial tubes come together near the midlineEarly establishment of the cardiovascular system - 4 weeksHeart chambers and binding
Partitioning of the common atriumPartitioning of the ventricles bulbus cordis and truncus arteriosus 5-7 weeksThe aorticopulmonay septum - 180 sprialling
Relationship of the aorta and pulmonary trunkSinous venosus and changes in veins drainingThe interior of the left and right atrium - 8 weeks
Development of aortic arches - 6 weeksDevelopment of aortic arches - 7 weeks
Development of aortic arches - New bornUmbilical and vitelline veins - 6 weeks
Umbilical and vitelline veins - 8 weeksChanges in veins - 7 weeks
Changes in veins - 8 weeksChanges in veins - Full termFetal circulation
Peritoneal and retroperitoneal structures - 5 weeks embryoMesenteries of the gut tube - 5 weeks embryo
Developing stomachMesenteries change during the rotation of the stomachFormation of the ventral mesogastrium - 10 weeks embryo
Development of the duodenum and mesenteries - 5 weeks embryoDevelopment of the pancreas and duct system - 4 - 6 weeksFormation of the liver from the hepatic bud - 5 weeks embryo
Herniation of the midgut loop - 6 weeks embryoRotation of the midgut loop - 7 weeksRotation of the midgut loop - 8 weeks
Rotation of the midgut loop - early 3 monthsRotation of the midgut loop - late 3 monthsModification of mesenteries and return of the midgut loop - 11 weeks
Modification of mesenteries and return of the midgut loop - sagittalModification of mesenteries and return of the midgut loop - TransverseOmphalocele
Division of the cloaca by the urorectal septum - 6 weeksDivision of the cloaca by the urorectal septum - 7 weeksSubdivisions of the cloaca and formation of the anorectal canal - 8 weeks
Subdivisions of the cloaca and formation of the anorectal canal - newbornPosition of the intermediate mesoderm - 3 weeks embryoThree successive kidneys - 5 weeks embryo
Development of the metanephros and its duct system - 5 - 8 weeksDevelopment stages of metanephric blastema into nephrons
The ascent of the kidneys from the sacral to the lumbar position - 6- 9 weeksFormation of gonads - 5 weeksIndifferent genital system - 6 weeks
Development of the testis and male genital ductsDifferentiation of the indifferent gonad into an ovaryDevelopment of the accessory glands of the male genital system - 10 weeks
Development of the accessory glands of the male genital system - 12 weeksFormation of the uterus and vagina - 10 weeks
Formation of external genitaliaFormation of external genitalia
Abnormal development of the process vaginalisDevelopment of the brain
Development of the spinal cord - 5 weeksDevelopment of the spinal cord - 8 weeksThe flexures of the brain
Various types of spina defectsPharyngeal arches - 5 weeks
Pharyngeal arches Pharyngeal pouches Pharyngeal clefts - 4 weeks
Pharyngeal clefts and pharyngeal pouches - 9 weeksDevelopment of the tongue on the pharyngeal floor - 4 weeks
Development of the thyroid glandDevelopment of the face - 4 weeks
Development of the face - 6 weeks
Development of the nasal cavitiesDevelopment of the nasal cavitiesFormation of the palate
Various types of cleft lip and cleft palateDevelopment of the eye
Development of the eyeDevelopment of the eye - 20 weeksDevelopment of the ear - 23 days
Development of the ear - early 5th weeksDevelopment of the ear - late 5th weeks
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